The Board of Directors letter regarding an HOA dues increase for 2018 has been posted on the Documents & Meeting Minutes page.
*** REMINDER: HOA Annual Dues are due by January 1. Late fees will begin accruing after January 31.
The Board of Directors letter regarding an HOA dues increase for 2018 has been posted on the Documents & Meeting Minutes page.
*** REMINDER: HOA Annual Dues are due by January 1. Late fees will begin accruing after January 31.
The Saddlebag Creek HOA Board is organizing a neighborhood Bridle Trail Cleanup Day on Saturday, October 7, 8:30-11:00 a.m. We need all available volunteers to participate with the trail clearing and cleanup. Please R.S.V.P. to let us know you plan to join us. Call or text Lance Wiegand at 219-8073. Click here for more details about the event.
The next Board of Directors meeting will be at Jack Duich’s house (8208 High Oaks Trail) on Tuesday 11/14 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome!
The meeting minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting held on 9/19/2017 have been uploaded to the Meeting Minutes page.
The next Board of Directors meeting will be at Jack Duich’s house (8208 High Oaks Trail) on Tuesday 9/19 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome!
The meeting minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting held on 8/1/2017 have been uploaded to the Meeting Minutes page.
The meeting minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting held on 6/20/2017 have been uploaded to the Meeting Minutes page.
The next Board of Directors meeting will be at Jack Duich’s house (8208 High Oaks Trail) on Tuesday 8/1 at 7:00 pm. All are welcome!
Notice from the Board of Directors:
“Fellow property owners,
As we believe most of you recognize, the HOA board of directors do not actively search for homeowner violations of our governing documents, focusing on broader issues of beautification, new construction & modifications to existing properties, asset preservation, and special projects, such as restoration of the eastern bridle trails. We believe this is what the majority of the homeowners expect of the BOD.
However, when complaints are received or we recognize fairly visible violations of our covenants we begin by communicating reminders to the community at large as the first step in remediation.
Accordingly we are requesting owners of horse trailers place them on their property such that they are not visible from the street, nor, ideally and per the covenants, visible from an adjacent property. We appreciate your support of this request.
Saddlebag Creek Ranches HOA Board of Directors”
The Board of Directors is aware of the recent damage to the front entrance of our subdivision and has been in contact with the responsible party who has agreed to repair the damage. Please address any further concerns to the Board of Directors via email at [email protected].